

你有没有想过使用 ChatGPT 来简化这个过程?让你的论文脱颖而出。这里分享10个GPT的技巧和大家一起交流
在潜入研究的海洋之前,先得翻遍山一样的期刊和文章,真是既重要又累人的预热运动,其实GPT有一个功能可以集成这些资料并给出摘要,可以使用以下的prompt,只需要换 [topic]即可
Act as an academic Research Expert. Conduct an extensive search for research papers on the specified [topic]. Ensure the papers are from reputable journals, conferences, or academic institutions. Your search should prioritize recent publications (within the last 5 years) but also include seminal works that may be older. Provide a comprehensive list of the findings, including the title of the paper, authors, publication date, abstract, and a link to access the full paper. For each paper, write a brief summary highlighting the main findings and their relevance to the [topic]. Ensure that all sources are properly cited in an organized manner.
Act as an academic research expert. Read and digest the content of the research paper titled [title]. Produce a concise and clear summary that encapsulates the main findings, methodology, results, and implications of the study. Ensure that the summary is written in a manner that is accessible to a general audience while retaining the core insights and nuances of the original paper. Include key terms and concepts, and provide any necessary context or background information. The summary should serve as a standalone piece that gives readers a comprehensive understanding of the paper's significance without needing to read the entire document.
如果为你的研究论文提出一个完美的问题似乎是一个巨大的挑战,请不要感到畏惧或不安。ChatGPT 在这里可以帮助您。通过我们的互动式对话,我们可以一起探索和扩展您的思路,找到灵感和方向。
Act as an academic research expert. For the given [topic], formulate a comprehensive research question that can guide a potential study. Ensure the question is clear, specific, and researchable. It should address a gap or need in the current body of knowledge, and have significance in its respective field. Consider potential variables, methodologies, and outcomes when crafting the question. Provide context for the research question, justifying its importance and relevance to current academic discussions and societal needs.
Act as an academic research expert. Your task is to suggest appropriate methodologies for researching [topic]. Provide a comprehensive list of both qualitative and quantitative research methods that are best suited for the subject matter. Justify each methodology's relevance and potential advantages, ensuring they align with the research objectives. Additionally, address any potential limitations or challenges of each method, and offer potential solutions or alternative approaches. Your suggestions should be rooted in academic literature, ensuring their validity and appropriateness for academic research.
寻找相关、可信的数据源有时就像大海捞针一样。但通过正确的 ChatGPT 提示,可以快速确定将作为您的研究论文基础的来源。ChatGPT 会引导您了解如何鉴别和评估信息来源的可靠性和相关性,教您识别学术文献、官方报告或数据集中的权威和高质量内容。
Act as an academic research expert. Your task is to identify and compile a list of credible data sources related to [topic]. Ensure that the sources are reputable, recent, and relevant to the research objectives. Your list should include both primary and secondary data sources, such as academic journals, government databases, industry reports, surveys, and any other pertinent repositories. Provide a brief description for each source, highlighting its relevance and credibility. Additionally, make note of any access restrictions or subscription requirements for the sources. Aim to provide a comprehensive list that will serve as a strong foundation for the research on [topic].
使用正确的 ChatGPT 提示符,可以为你的论文创建一个结构良好的大纲。无论是复杂的研究还是文学评论,以下提示将指导您清晰而有条理地概述您的研究。ChatGPT 将协助您定义论文的主要部分,如引言、文献综述、方法论、研究结果和结论。
Act as an academic research expert. Draft a comprehensive research paper outline on [topic]. The outline should be well-structured, starting with a compelling introduction that states the problem or question, the relevance of the topic, and the objectives of the research. It should then detail the main points and subpoints, incorporating relevant literature and methods of investigation. Ensure that the proposed research is sound, innovative, and contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field. Conclude the outline with expected results or implications, and a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. Ensure that all sources are credible and up-to-date. The final product should serve as a roadmap for drafting a full-fledged research paper.
深入学术研究往往会导致复杂的写作。但复杂并不意味着论文应该难以阅读。在 ChatGPT 的帮助下,您可以以全面且易于理解的方式展示您的发现。我会指导您如何使用清晰、简洁的语言来阐述复杂的概念和分析,确保即使是非专业读者也能理解您的研究内容。
Act as an academic research expert and copywriter. Your task is to review and enhance the readability of the provided [piece of text] in a research paper. Ensure that the text is clear, concise, and free from jargon while maintaining its academic integrity. Focus on improving sentence structure, word choice, and coherence. Ensure that the revised text aligns with the overall narrative of the research paper and maintains a consistent tone. Also, cross-check with sources and references to make sure that the essence and authenticity of the original content remain intact.
解读评论、建议和潜在的批评需要清晰和开放的心态。可以使用 ChatGPT 更好地了解审稿人的反馈,确保您的修订切中要点并有效解决问题。以下提示将协助您分析和理解审稿人的意见,提供策略来应对他们的建议,确保您的论文更加完善和有说服力。
Act as an academic research expert. Carefully analyze and interpret the [feedback] provided by the reviewer on the submitted research paper. Identify key concerns, constructive suggestions, and areas of improvement highlighted by the reviewer. Synthesize this feedback and create a comprehensive response plan detailing how each point will be addressed or refuted in the revised manuscript. Ensure that the plan is detailed, clear, and aligned with academic research standards.
使用此 ChatGPT 提示有效地提炼你的研究本质,确保您的摘要吸引注意力并为整篇论文定下正确的基调。将帮助您精准地概括您的研究目标、方法、主要发现和结论,同时确保摘要简洁而精确,足以激发读者的兴趣。
Act as an academic research expert. Draft an abstract for a research paper titled [title]. The abstract should succinctly summarize the main objectives, methodologies, key findings, and implications of the research. Ensure clarity, coherence, and conciseness while adhering to the specific guidelines and conventions of the academic field. The abstract should effectively communicate the significance of the research to both experts in the field and general readers, encouraging them to delve deeper into the paper.
Act as an academic research and marketing expert. Identify and recommend suitable sources and platforms to effectively promote a research paper titled [title]. Your recommendations should cater to the target audience of academics, scholars, and professionals within the paper's field. Evaluate both traditional and digital platforms, including but not limited to academic journals, conferences, scholarly databases, research networks, social media channels, and industry-specific websites. Ensure that your recommendations are backed by data on audience reach, engagement rates, and relevance to the paper's subject. Provide a brief strategy on how to approach and utilize each recommended source for maximum visibility and engagement.



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